Are you bright enough?

I know it’s not a fun topic. But, it’s something that needs to be addressed. Are you bright enough? Can you be seen when your riding at odd times? If your anything like me, there’s never enough time in the day. Leaving the cycling to moments when it could be dark. Exposing you to those dreaded cars that can’t see you. Well, we all know what that can lead to, let’s not talk about that. Just remember that episode of Who’s The Boss, when Tony is teaching Samantha to drive. Two things are important “Safe and T”.

I have been searching for a good brake light for a while and finally came across this one from the folks at Meilan. It doesn’t matter what type of bike you have, I happen to have an Ancheer e-bike and although it would have been nice for it to come with one wired, it did not. I wanted something that was going to look like it was made for the bike, but I did not want to start messing around with wiring. At first glance I really liked the design and it wasn’t going to brake the bank so I gave it a shot.

Meilan Brake light displaying the laser lights.

Install is easy enough depending on where you are going to mount it. I have a rack on mine but you can mount it under the seat as well. It comes with a few different solutions. They also include a remote control that you mount on the front handle bar. This also has a turning signal option that I love! Most motorist don’t watch where you are going and that extra security of the turn signal really comes in handy. So for those of you traveling at faster speeds especially on the e-bikes, this is a huge plus.

So here’s the cool stuff, it knows when your braking and automatically lights up to notify the cars or traffic behind you what’s up. That tech is awesome. The rechargeable battery last a pretty long time and this thing is super bright. Using ambient light detection it knows when to be brighter, so no concerns there.

In all I feel much safer now knowing that I can be seen. Leaving more time to enjoy the open road at any time. These things may not seem like much but could honestly be life savers. So whether your commuting to work or enjoying a ride in off hours, take a look at this option. I would love to hear about some of your solutions as well!