Could it really be that simple? Yes it is.

When my older daughter recently learned how to ride her bike without training wheels all she wanted to do was “ride bikes”. This was an activity I had been waiting to do with my kids. So on the first nice weekend I threw our bikes on the back of my Jeep and took them to our local park. My older daughter was doing great but I quickly realized it was hard from my younger daughter to keep up. She is still on training wheels and could only go so far. My wife went ahead with my older daughter and I lagged behind with my younger daughter, eventually having to walk back the car with both our bikes and her being defeated. Well, that’s not really the fun time I had in mind.

Thinking of how I could make it easier for her and for all of us to stay together, I did a quick Google search. On a whim I found this item, the TowWhee. This product literally claimed to prevent the scenario I just descripted. Could it be that simple a remedy? Was the first question I asked myself, the second question being. Why didn’t I think of that? I could have made millions. It always feels like everyone is always one step ahead. But, that’s another story.

In any case I spent a few days going back and forth in my head if I should order it. Would it be dangerous? Is it really going to work? Or, is it another one of those gimmicks. In between that time we went back to the park and the same shenanigan’s ensued. So I decided to place the order and give it a try, at this point it was worth the investment.

The TowWhee arrived in a few days and I could not believe what a simple and genius concept it was. This simple lightweight tow bungee strap keeps people together on longer adventures. It contains a high stretch bungee cord inside an ultra strong hollow webbing. At max length it is 15’/180″ and only 4.6’/56″ relaxed. One Size Fits All for all riders of any age, size or weight up to 500lbs.

On our first try out we realized the the key to this thing working was going to be communication. I would yell out when to stop braking and when a turn was coming. But, once we got the hang of it, we had a blast! As soon as she got tired, I pulled it out of my bag and strapped one end to my seat and the other to her handlebars and off we went. We were able to stay together as a family and she felt good about herself. Initially, I felt a little silly but as we passed other family’s in the park I could hear them say, “What a great idea!”

The TowWhee is here to save the day!

Well, it really was just that simple, not only did it give my younger daughter confidence, but it let us all spend a fun time together, “riding bikes” as a family. If your in the same situation, I can tell you first hand, this item really works. Now, I will also confess that having an e-bike was also a great advantage to this. If we hit any hills I will admit I did a little cheating and hit that throttle. That’s what it’s there for right?